【半月 Half Moon】EB duet Compact Disc(CD)



Track List | 曲目 1. 小白船 | xiao bai chuan (original : half moon) 2. 人隔萬重山 | ren ge wan chong shan 3. 魂縈舊夢 | hun ying jiu meng 4. 一簾幽夢 | yi lian you meng 5. 初次嚐到寂寞 | chu ci chang dao ji mo 6. 得不到的愛情 | de bu dao de ai qing 7. 大江東去 | da jiang dong qu (original:river of no return) 8. 千言萬語 | qian yan wan yu 9. 過客(粵語)| guo hak (cantonese) 10. 望春風(閩南語) | bang cun hong (hokkien) 11. 今宵多珍重 | jin xiao duo zhen zhong Bonus Track 12. Goodbye My Love/再見,我的愛人! 13. Getaran Jiwa/靈魂的悸動(馬來語) 14. River of No Return/大江東去(英語)

Product Details

<half moon半月> ,

it’s an album about remembering a lost love with warmth and joy. It’s about parting and it’s about hope :

The Half moon

is diminishing,

but one day

she will be full again,

as she always does"


From Bai Guang‘s to Teresa Teng's, this album even has a song from the goddess Marilyn Monroe, which has also been covered by "The Silver Voice" Yao Li 65years ago in 1955.


From the East to the West, not to forget song from EB's own homeland, Malaysia. And you would not see it coming when they include a children’s folk rhymes and dialect's songs!


Some were Eve’s childhood lullaby, some are Billy’s influence songs, They re-arranged all these beautiful songs and interpret it in their own way, hoping that more souls could be touched again by all these classics, like how theirs have been touched since decades ago!



<half moon半月> ,



隐没在 静邃的夜空

她以一弯新月的姿态 再次破空而出

不疾不徐地 化成另一面半月











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